About us

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.


What about MiraTura? Well first let us talk about the girl behind it. You guessed it, that is Me!!!

My name is Irma Mariame Dieme. I am a child of God from Senegal and I have lived in Montreal since december 2016. I have always loved finance and accounting but life did send me somewhere else at some point. But all things work for good for those who love the Lord.

Enough about me, let’s talk about MiraTura, my first baby. MiraTura was born out of frustration. I always have had so many ideas about businesses  but nothing was going on and I had to do something about it. I decided to do the Daniel fast and I did it for 21 days and at the same time meditating on the book of daniel. I did it so the Lord would tell me what was his will because I wanted to do his will and walk in the path he sat for me. And that is how I got that idea from the Lord and he inspired me with the name. MiraTura mean Marvelous or Wonderful Creature ‘Créature Merveilleuse’ from Psalm 139:14. You need to know that the truth is what God says about you.you are who God says you are and that is the value that I want to show. MiraTura’s slogan is ‘My Identity, My Authenticity’.

I am unique and so are you.  So do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

We will learn to know each other best during this walk and I cannot wait.

The products that I will be selling are handmades with love and care. All cruelty free products. My soaps are made from Senegal, from locals with plants. Some of my vendors for the soaps are women trained by NGO that care about the environment. All products are meant to take care of your beautiful body that the Lord took his time to form. I do the lip scrubs and lipglosses myself with biologic and organic ingredients to protect your lips and make them look cute at the same time.

Just one thing though MiraTura is a christian and faith base business owned by a wonderful black girl who knows her identity.

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